Hi Everyone,

You wouldn't believe the primitive way I've had to access email for the
last week+.....yikes! Lost mail, filled mailbox, on and on...

I know I missed a lot,  but have been trying to keep up with what Sherry
and Mickey are going through.  I'm so glad you found us, Sherry, and it's
wonderful that Mickey has had a good response to the chest tap.  I will be
holding you both close in my thoughts and prayers!  I think Pam mentioned
Essaic tea, and I've not used it, but have done a good amount of reading
about it and think it could surely benefit Mickey.  Here is a website that
you might find useful:


It mentions other products that can be used in combination with the tea,
such as Pau D'arco, Cat's Claw, CoQ10.  I hope it will help!  I think it's
wonderful that you are helping him to fight and not just PTS; he's a lucky
boy to have a Mom like you!

I spoke with a surgeon familiar with Luna's situation last week and he
indicated to me that in his experience, trying to
widen the pelvic area by re-breaking and inserting a plate or a piece of
rib does not work as well for cats as for dogs (which is why I wanted
somebody who had DONE cats!).  He feels, and I agree (as do Luna's regular
vets) that her primary problem right now is  severe megacolon.  She has a
sub-total colectomy scheduled for next Friday, he will come to my regular
vet's office and use his operating room, so she will be close by and have
people she knows around her.

This may resolve the situation permanently
since some cats don't ever regain a fully firm stool; initially (for up to
6mos to 1 year, I understand) they are likely to have a diarrhea-like
stool; over time, some cats have the stool get firmer, but Dr. Pond
indicates that in his experience it stays soft enough (without additional
medication) that it can pass through the narrowed
pelvic opening.  He's British (Pam, it's superficial but I can't help it;
I just find that accent  and attitude so re-assuring!  Very understated and
confident, as if he might say, 'why, yes, it's quite standard to decapitate
and then re-attach the head....I'd think 'OK'!) and has many years of
experience and an excellent reputation, so I feel she is in good hands,
but I am still nervous. We continue on the lactulose, mineral oil, enema,
etc. regimen until next week.
There is the possibility that down the line, the only other option would be
to try and re-break the pelvis, but I'll think about
that tomorrow, Scarlett!

Paulie will be going to a veterinary opthamologist on the Monday following
Luna's surgery (I'll be robbing a bank in the intervening two days) because
his corneal ulcer has still not healed.  He may have surgery and be fitted
for a contact lens that he would wear temporarily post-operatively! Really!

Big hugs and headbutts for everybody!


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