Hi Sharon,

I hope so, too!  Please don't feel guilty about Amelia; these ulcers are
horrendous and can be very unpredicatable.  Paulie has been treated since
May and according to some information I have found, it's not unusual with
resistant ulcers to go on for up to 6 months!  I am hoping the lens and the
refrigerated idoxuradine (I am so mad about that!) are going to do the
trick.  The E-collar is definately the worst for him; he absolutely hates

Where in Mass.  were you to go? Tufts or one of the Mass. ASPCA hospitals?
I must say, I am really impressed with what the Massachusetts chapter of
ASPCA has accomplished.  The have wonderful hospitals, shelters,
spay-neuter programs; it seems to be particularly well-run.

Give Amelia a big hug!  She sounds beautiful, inside and out!


                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                   
                      Sent by:                 To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
                      owner-felvtalk@vl        cc:                                     
                      ists.net                 Subject:  Re: Paulie has a contact 
                      08/20/2002 06:56                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                


That is so cool, I hope you can save his eye.  When Amelia had a corneal
ulcer she had all kinds of meds, unfortunately she did not respond and my
vet was going to arrange for me to go to Mass. that same day to have
emergency surgery, a corneal flap.  We didn't make it, her cornea ruptured
and my vet ended up removing her eye.  Through the last days though the
E-collar seemed to bug her more than the ulcer did.  I still feel guilty
about it, I was supposed to give her a better life, I thought I was being
overly cautious with her, I run her to the emergency clinic or vet every
time she gets the sniffles, how did I let it get so far, maybe I wasn't
getting enough of the meds into her, she would spit out the clindamycin,
and she would squeeze her eye shut so tight I don't know how much of the
topical meds were actually getting in there.  I saw 3 different vets over
the course of that week before her cornea ruptured, no one said anything
about a contact ! lens.  She is still the most beautiful thing I have ever
seen though, and happy go lucky, even with only one pretty green eye.


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