Dear Karen,

Your instincts were right; sadly, we pay these people
huge sums of money for their knowledge and expertise
and find out the have no f-ing common sense.

It is really hard to express a bladder; I had to learn
to do it for Luna and I can't tell you the number of
times I just got too scared I was going to hurt her
and headed for the vet.  Guess what? I would certainly
trust the techs at my vet to do it; they are all very
experienced, but they DON'T do it because it can have
serious consequences.  My VETS do it.  And, if the
bladder is too full and manually expressing is too
risky, they put in a catheter.  This is just standard
I am so furious and heartbroken;  I can't imagine what
you are feeling.

Give yourself some space and rethink what you want to
do; I know it's unbelievably painful and it might be
easier to put it behind you, but I know you're a
fighter and if you can do it, go after this practice.
What happened to Ashes should never happen to another

Take care, Julie

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by 
from the cruelty of man. " 

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals 
are treated."

       Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

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