message from TheCajun <> to festival-talk
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Thank you for the reply.

> message from "Kev 'Kyrian' Green (List)" <> to 
> festival-talk
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> TheCajun wrote:
> > message from TheCajun <> to festival-talk
> > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> >
> > I have upgraded to Fedora 15 from Fedora 14 and festival is not exiting
> > when executed as noninteractive.  When run as interactive, it exits
> > imediately after first SayText command.
> >
> > I still have a Fedora 14 install to compare with.  Interactive mode on
> > Fedora 14 does *not* exit after first SayText command.
> >
> > I am using festival with nagios.  Same configuration files. And it does
> > work, but after a notification, the festival process does not exit. 
> > These just addup in the process list.
> >
> > Any advice on this issue?
> I'd like to help, if I can find time. I suggest you try the following 
> general points:
> - Making very sure you send a CTRL+D (EOF) character to Festival's input 
> stream.

This is the command used similar to what is used in nagios script.
/bin/echo "The time is, `date +%l:%M`" | /usr/bin/festival --tts

This works in fedora 14 as is.  I tried this.
/bin/echo -e "The time is, `date +%l:%M`\x04" | /usr/bin/festival --tts

This changed nothing.  When called from a bash script, the festival
process is left running.  When run from command line, I get this where
the 'e's repeat 100's of times (eventually stops) but does not return me
to a prompt.  I must enter CTRL+C to exit.

audsp: unknown command "closeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The audsp looks like an audio component.

This is what I have in my .festivalrc file.
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command "aplay -D plug:dmix -q -c 1 -t raw -r $SR $FILE")
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command)
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Required_Format 'snd)

> - File a Fedora bug as well, and let me know the URL, just in case it's 
> related to support libraries etc more than anything else.
I will file a bug report and let you know the url.
> - Downgrade to FC14 again. I did because gnome3 was a nightmare to deal 
> with.
The two machines are test machines.  Only reason one is still running
fedora 14 is because it does not have the memory to install fedora 15. 
I work out the bugs one these before I install something new on our
servers.  So reverting back to fedora 14 is unnecessary.  I never boot
to xwindows, I have it configured to boot to console which is its normal
state (runlevel3).
> Once you've done the first two, I may be able to test the same out on my 
> own systems to help you resolve it, as I've contributed several 
> additional festival packages to Fedora and am pretty familiar with how 
> it ought to be working.
> K.
> -- 
> Kev "Kyrian" Green.                        WWW:
> Linux Security + Hosting + Admin/LAMP Coder @
>       When I spit in the eye of the gods, then I will smile
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