Hello, I'm new with Festival and I'm trying to use the HTS Spanish voice
(voice_cstr_upc_upm_spanish_hts) with text2wave, but I'm getting an
#SpanishHTSVoice-ver0.8/build/festival/bin/text2wave prueba.txt -o
Phoneset "spanish" redefined
-=-=-=-=-=- EST Error -=-=-=-=-=-
{FND} Feature POS_Method not defined
To use the voice I add these lines in the festival.scm file:
(set! voice_default 'voice_cstr_upc_upm_spanish_hts)
    (define (tts_textasterisk string mode) "(tts_textasterisk STRING
MODE) Apply tts to STRING. This function is specifically designed for
use in server mode so a single function call may synthesize the string.
This function name may e added to the server safe functions."
    (let ((wholeutt (utt.synth (eval (list 'Utterance 'Text string)))))
    (utt.wave.resample wholeutt 8000)
    (utt.wave.rescale wholeutt 5)
    (utt.send.wave.client wholeutt)))
If I remove these lines the command
SpanishHTSVoice-ver0.8/build/festival/bin/text2wave prueba.txt -o
prueba.wav use the default voice which is in English. 
Thanks for your help,


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