message from James Walker <> to festival-talk
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On 6/20/2012 2:49 PM, Rob Clark wrote:
Try this (I'm guessing, but I think it works)
In speech tools, run ./configure

Then edit config/config and add at the bottom


Then run make

There may be some libraries or binaries that don't pick this up which you may 
need to add -m32 in one of the Makefiles for.

Rob Clark

Thanks! Part of my problems probably stemmed from not realizing that one must build speech_tools before festival. Anyway, using your suggestion built the speech_tools static libraries correctly, but messed up when it got to the command line tools. Apparently those flags don't get used when the command line tools are linked. Instead, I added at the bottom of config/config:

CC=gcc -arch i386
CXX=g++ -arch i386

and then it worked.

Best regards,
James Walker

Sent from my iPad

On 20 Jun 2012, at 20:35, James Walker <> wrote:

message from James Walker <> to festival-talk
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Hi, I'm trying to build Festival as 32 bits, and losing my mind.  I've been 
trying to use various tricks that have worked with other open-source projects, 
and they're not working with festival.  Such as:

export CFLAGS="-arch i386"
export CXXFLAGS="-arch i386"
export LDFLAGS="-arch i386"
./configure --build=i386-apple --enable-32-bit --with-archflags="-arch i386"

In some other projects, I've been able to put things like CPPFLAGS at the end of the 
.configure line, but in the festival case it just tells me "invalid host type".
  James W. Walker, Innoventive Software LLC

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  James W. Walker, Innoventive Software LLC

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