New submission from KevinP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm running MinGW and also Visual Studio .NET on windoze and I can compile the
ffmpeg libraries and the program tutorial01.c that I found on the web (I
downloaded the latest snapshot minutes ago). It compiles and runs fine using
MINGW, but when I try to make the windows versions of the libraries (avxxxx.lib)
using the instructions online I get the following errors (below) for each
library. I did put the call to vcvars32.bat and tested it like it mentions in
the docs, did I miss another step?

lib /machine:i386 /def:avformat-51.def
(Error) CreateProcess("c::\\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\VC7\BIN\\vslink -lib /machine:i386 /def:avformat-51.def ") failed.

One other unrelated question, I've never used SVN before so I downloaded
TortoiseSVN and tried to download ffmpeg using it but it asks for a name and
password and I can't get past that point. Do I need a name and pw to download
via SVN or am I doing something wrong.

messages: 885
nosy: KevinP
priority: normal
status: new
substatus: new
title: Problem building windows libraries
type: bug

FFmpeg issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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