Francesco Cosoleto <> added the comment:

I am running ffmpeg from a script using the following:

ffmpeg -i $INPUT_FILE $OUTPUT_OPTS $OUTPUT_FILE 2> /dev/null

I want to suppress only the banner but all screen output is written to stderr so
stream data, progress messages, the completion report and error messages are
suppressed also. Redirecting 1> /dev/null of course suppresses nothing.

Can show_banner() in cmdutils.c be modified to write to stdout rather than
stderr? Then using the 1> /dev/null redirection will suppress the banner and
still allow other messages to be displayed during conversion.

I don't know if there are any other undesirable implications of such a change. I
have nearly zero c programming experience but to my untrained eye it seems like
a simple change. 

I don't know how to create a proper patch but I've attached a diff file with the
suggested change.

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