New submission from Paul <>:

If I run a command like:
ffmpeg -i "src.wav"  -ab 192k -metadata title="Track Title" -metadata 
author="Artist Name" -metadata album="Album" output.mp3

Only the author field shows up in Win 7 file explorer (as 'Contributing 
...the Title and Album columns are blank.

However if I load the file in iTunes these columns are filled, so clearly 
has written some metadata into the file.

I guess it is maybe a difference in ID3 versions or something?

If I look at mp3 files tagged with other software the data shows up fine in 
windows explorer so it seems like ffmpeg is doing something perhaps incomplete 

messages: 13505
priority: normal
status: new
substatus: new
title: Common ID3 tags set via -metadata don't show in Windows Explorer
type: bug

FFmpeg issue tracker <>

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