New submission from Michael Chourdakis <>:

Hello there.

This is a try of ffmpeg under Windows (I am not sure if the bug report 
is applicable here), but I am trying to convert a MTS from a Panasonic 
Lumix TZ10 to an mpeg4 with this command line:

ffmpeg -i file.mts -vtag DX50 -acodec libmp3lame -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq 

The result is that the .avi file is still for the first 5 seconds. It 
does that in any target format I might try (x264 etc).

Is that a Windows build problem ? I am attaching the .MTS file I am 
trying, and I can also upload the resulting .AVI file.

I 've uploaded this text along with the .mts file to the FTP 

Best Regards & Thanks.

messages: 13566
priority: normal
status: new
substatus: new
title: AVCHD lite MTS file conversion loses first seconds
type: bug

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