At 01:36 PM 6/9/01 -0400, you wrote:
><<Soaps that have very little human interaction (dishwasher, 
>clotheswasher) do not suds up much.  >>
>But one of the reasons dishwasher  soaps work is they have heavy duty 
>alkalines in them (to *dissolve* leftover food), which is very hard 
>on wool, and will make it feel very harsh and dead. 

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't recommending the use of dishwasher soap for

(But on a funnier note, have you ever on, um, accident, yea, put Dawn or
some hand-dishwashing soap in the machine?  Heh heh heh...)

>And washing machine detergents (*all* of the major brands) have a lot 
>of additives, including optical whiteners, which are dyes to make 
>things look white - unnaturally so when it comes to wool. They also 
>have fragrances and softeners. Again, not something I want on my wool.

A lot of people have had success with those.  Me, I have never used them.
In the last year, I have gone through 3 jugs of Orvus.  


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