Brucie writes:

<<I have been weaving an endless warp.  I thought it was 10 yards, but
by now I swear is is 100!>>

Me, too :)  I was in a great mood for weaving through the early summer. 
  In early July I put on a 17.5 yard warp for baby blankets--really 
pretty, white stripes alternating with a rainbow of colored stripes. 
Easy weaving, two block twill tied up to straight twill and basketweave. 
  But somehow I got sidetracked and there it sits, with just 3 blankets 
out of a planned 10 done!

I have to get going on it soon, though, I've begun sampling for handspun 
yardage to make another bog coat for my daughter.  Natural black 
Perendale singles warp, 20 wpi, 20 degree twist angle.  Dyed blues 
singles weft, same stats, mix of several fleeces similar to Romney.  Did 
a small cardboard-loom sample which she likes, sett of 16 epi.  After 
she really assesses that sample, I'll figure how much wool I have to 
card.  I've probably done at least half the warp already, but have only 
just started the weft.


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