I happen to sell them - long story/short version - we use so many of the 
Revenge passive (I won't poison) sticky fly strips in the sheep sheds that we 
finally decided to become Revenge retailers - mainly for our own good.   We 
sell some at local fairs, too.  There are all sorts of pest products that 
Revenge makes.
I have seen the moth traps  in some Farm type stores and also in home product 
catalogs.  Just look around - you'll probably find them locally.  I think they 
are great.
I'm not a mean person - (I move earthworms out of the way when they are on 
sidewalks - and put indoor spiders outside rather than kill them) but I have to 
admit that it is very satisfying to do a body count the next day after you have 
put a moth trap out!

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