The BFLBA auction will be ending on Aug 30th and 31th. If you haven't checked 
out the site, please take this opportunity to do so. The auction has two 
Shetland ewes available, imported UK semen straws, BFL fleeces, roving, a 
knitting machine, etc. The auction site can be found using the following link:

Proceeds from this fundraiser will help defray the cost of a UK judge at next 
month's first Great Lakes Bluefaced Leicester Show at the Wisconsin Sheep and 
Wool Festival. The show will feature the UK judge, John Stott, President 

The opportunity to have the president of the UK-BFLSBA judge our BFLs will 
greatly benefit so many areas--the U.S. BFL breeders and the surrounding 
communities where the BFLs play a role. John Stott's experience, insight, and 
knowledge of the breed will allow breeders to further promote the awareness and 
advancement of the Bluefaced Leicester sheep.

Items donated by BFL breeders are offered in this auction. Whether you're 
looking for actual livestock or a gift for a fiber enthusiast, the auction will 
no doubt be a great way to buy BFL/sheep related items!

Thank you for your support.

Carol Densmore
BFLBA Secretary
Cross Wind Farm
Webberville, MI

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