I also thought I had saved this font but then realized that I had saved
the website address instead
(http://www.kolumbus.fi/ari.suomela/nuotteja.htm). Unfortunately, that
link is no longer good. I've shown it only because something from the
address may jar someone's memory.

I'm wondering if Gary Persons is still on the list. At one time Gary had
a fairly extensive library of music (& related) fonts). I still refer
often to the music font information pages from his book, "The Finale
Resource." Although the Finale material is now dated (Finale 3.7.2) he
shows 32 pgs of font material plus over 100 additional pgs of character
maps & musical examples. Last year he saved my bacon when I needed to
show some bagpipe fingerings.

(Gary was at [EMAIL PROTECTED] last I knew.) 

Dan Rupert
Noteworthy Services (A recording production company)
Seattle, Washington

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Darcy James Argue
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 6:06 PM
To: Fin
Subject: Re: [Finale] Accordion font

On 6/22/02 6:22 PM or thereabouts, Colin Broom

> Anyone happen to know of a font that includes the indications for
> stops for the accordion (little circles with two horizontal lines and
> in various positions)?
> Cheers,
> Colin.

Hi Colin,

A few years ago, someone on this list was kind enough to send me an
excellent accordion register font.  I was about to send you a copy when
realized that I no longer have it!  Somewhere along the line, either
when I
was switching hard drives or upgrading my OS, I must have mistakenly
discarded this font.  And I'm embarrassed to say, but I no longer recall
exactly who it was that sent me this excellent font.  But perhaps he is
still around, and will take pity on us both....


- Darcy

Boston, MA

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