On Friday, July 12, 2002, at 05:01  AM, Mark D. Lew wrote:

> All right, maybe now is a good time for a thorough discussion 
> of the whole system of expression metatools.

> I've see a wide variety of complaints and requests about 
> expressions in this discussion, and it seems to me that 
> *everyone's* needs could be met if the entire system of 
> expression metatools were expanded in a way that would make 
> them simultaneously more powerful and more flexible.  I think 
> this can be done without any major reworking of how the program 
> treats and stores expressions, and in a way that preserves "the 
> old way" as a default subset of the new way.

I have thought about your proposal for expression assignment 
metatools. I find appealing but it seems to me that the whole 
notion might be better implemented as a part of a scripting 
sub-system. One which of course is specialized to metatool 
clicks. For this reason, I would suggest that you examine the 
Mac text editor "Alpha" for it's implementation of a flexible 
and user customizable keybinding system. Granted, the 
implementation would be quite a bit different in Finale but if 
you were able to make that leap, I suggest you might be able to 
distill the description to something with a greater appeal to 
potential implementors. I reckon it would take about 3 months 
casual examination of Alpha to attain the kind of overview 
needed to see the cross-over potential to Finale Expression 

You can pick up a version of Alpha (compatible with MacOS 7.x to 
9.x) at:


I believe version 7.5 would be fine (can't quite remember which 
OS you have right now).

Best wishes,


p h i l i p @ v c n . b c . c a
h t t p : / / w w w . a k e r . c a /

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