On 9/23/12 12:59 PM, Chris Schram wrote:
> Xcode Version: 4.2 (4C199)
> Fink Package manager version: 0.34.3
> Trying to install either karbon, karbon2-mac, or karbon2-x11 on my Snow 
> Leopard Mac, I keep getting this message:
> Reading buildlock packages...
> Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies!
> Fink isn't sure how to install the above packages safely. You may be 
> able to fix things by running:
>   fink scanpackages
>   sudo apt-get update
>   sudo apt-get install autoconf=1:2.63-4
> Failed: Fink::SysState: Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies
> Performing those steps has no effect. The message keeps coming back. I 
> have been able to install some of karbon's dependencies, but I'm up 
> against a brick wall getting the whole thing installed.
> FWIW, during various iterations of trying to build this thing, I keep 
> seeing fink trying to switch between libgettext3-dev and 
> libgettext8-dev, and the error message appears shortly thereafter.

Not particularly relevant, if your error is always with autoconf vs.
autoconf2.6  (and the real issue could well be with different versions
of auotmake).

Since autoconf*, automake*, and libgettext*-dev are only needed at build
time, by going through smaller subsets of the build tree (even to the
point of single packages), it should be possible eventually to build

> UPDATE: I've mostly given up trying to install karbon. I'm thinking this 
> big hairball is part of the reason we have not seen any kde stuff in 
> Lion and M'Lion. 

No, the reason is that the KDE maintainer hasn't had time for Fink for a
while, and the learning curve is brutal for anybody else who has tried
taking it on.  The problem is with getting stuff actually to _compile
and run_, not with the listed dependencies.

I went ahead and installed karbon in Lubuntu under
> VirtualBox, and it works just fine in there. But in case the fink people 
> are unaware of this particular problem, I thought I'd better report it.

There's no fix, other than to make the _whole_ build tree for karbon use
the same autoconf/automake.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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