On 2/15/14 1:06 PM, zooloo wrote:
> Dear Fink maintainers,
> is there any chance I might use claws-mail in 10.6.8? I am stuck with 
> hardware that won't make sense of further OS upgrades.
> Thank you in advance for any helpful hints!
> cheers,
> Zoo Loo

My guess is that the maintainer doesn't have a  10.6 system and didn't 
want to assume that it worked there.  If you'd like to test this for us, 
we can add it officially.

Try grabbing the .info and .patch files:



Save those to your /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo, and then see if 
"fink install claws-mail" will work for you.  Report back here whether 
you fail or succeed. :-)

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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