Hello everyone!

I have read through numerous posts,
yet couldn't find a solution to this
well-known issue in my case.
So decided to write a new post.

I use Mac OS X 10.6.8. My problem: when
trying to install Octave, got the message:
"Can't resolve dependency "system-java-dev
(>= 1.5-1)" for package 
"libidn-1.22-6" (no matching packages/versions found)".

Following Finkproject's FAQ 6.17,
I have installed Java Developer Package from
the Apple website, ran "fink selfupdate-rsync".
Still no effect.

FYI, this is the output of "fink list -it system-java":
Information about 12287 packages read in 1 seconds.
 i      system-java     1.6.0-1 [virtual package representing Java 1.6.0]
 i      system-java16   1.6.0-1 [virtual package representing Java 1.6.0]
 i      system-java3d   0-1     [virtual package representing Java3D]
 i      system-javaai   0-1     [virtual package representing Java Advanced 

And "/usr/libexec/java_home -t CommandLine -V" yields:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
    1.6.0_65-b14-462, x86_64:   "Java SE 6"     
    1.6.0_65-b14-462, i386:     "Java SE 6"     

Finally, this is the output of "fink-virtual-pkgs --debug 2>&1 |
grep "checking Java" -A 11"
- checking Java versions:
  - 1.6.0... 1.6.0_65-b14-462.jdk/Contents/Home/bin 
Headers/jni.h missing 
- searching for java3d... found /System/Library/Java/Extensions/j3dcore.jar
- searching for javaai... found /System/Library/Java/Extensions/jai_core.jar
- checking for Xcode version... 3.2.6
- checking for Xcode CLI tools version... 3.2.6
- determining path to system SDKs... /Developer/SDKs/
  - checking for MacOSX10.4u.sdk... not found
  - checking for MacOSX10.5.sdk... found
  - checking for MacOSX10.6.sdk... found
- checking for cctools version... 795-1
- checking for cctools -single_module support... yes, 795 has it

I have noticed that the Java Virtual Machines
has been installed in /Library not /System/Library.
Perhaps that is the cause? I will indeed appreciate any ideas!

Many thanks for your time!


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