On 3/16/14, 10:46 PM, Justin Csecs wrote:
> SocNetV-Mac has a stable version (0.81-1002) that should work on my Mac
> (x86_64) but it does not download on the list.  It's hugely frustrating,
> as I am trying to use it to create sociograms, for which no other decent
> programs exist.
> Could you please help to put it on the list?  I can't get it stable OR
> unstable.
> here's the URL
> http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/socnetv-mac?rel_id=10.6-x86_64-current-stable
> I've spent 4 hours retrying everything in the forums that I can find.
>   Nothing is working for me.  It's 10.6, I have 10.9, but the 10.6
> version SHOULD work...

We don't actually know that the package will build on 10.9.  And there's 
no unstable tree for 10.7 or later.

What's going on here is that Fink uses a different set of package 
descriptions for 10.6 and for later OS X versions, and socnetv doesn't 
happen to have been moved over--I think you're the first person who has 
asked about it.

If you want to give it a try pending an official update, it's not too hard:

1)  Download 

and save it as "socnetv.info"--the extension must be '.info'

2)  Copy your socnetv.info into /sw/fink/10.9/local/main/finkinfo

3)  Use "fink install socnetv-mac"
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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