
I'm fairy new to Mac OS X world, but my life become much easier with Fink project and now Apple's X11. Thanks.

I had a problem with XDarwin and/or X11.app in writing Japanese text, since XIM (X Input Method) doesn't work in both environment. While looking at the source tree of libX11, I noticed that UTF8 conversion doesn't work in Japanese Environment (i.e. LANG=ja_JP.eucJP) when X_LOCALE is defined. So I just added _XlcAddUtf8Converters(lcd) to xc/lib/X11/lcEuc.c, and this made XIM work properly :) It might be a bug remaining in XFree86 because of rare use of X_LOCALE lately. Anyway, I'm attaching the patch and I hope this will be applied to next release of X11.app and Fink's xfree86-base.

Etsushi Kato

Attachment: XFree86-
Description: Binary data

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