On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Andrea Riciputi wrote:

> On Thursday, Feb 27, 2003, at 12:16 Europe/Rome, Max Horn wrote:
> > Ho Hum, I have to wonder if it is a good idea to market python 2.3
> > Alpha 2 this way. People (like me) will see it and think "gee, a new
> > python version" w/o realizing that it's an alpha version. Besides the
> > question whether we should package alpha versions at all (I realize
> > that some people release software that depedns on alpha version, but I
> > don't have to like that nor these people <sigh>), not marking this as
> > an alpha can on the long run cause more harm than it helps now to have
> > access to this version.
> Moreover, all the packages that have "Depends: python" force python23
> installation (when you try selfupdate and update-all), resulting in
> having some Python packages installed under v2.3 tree and others under
> v2.2 tree. This situation force a user to upgrade to python23 even if
> it is an alpha release.
> I think the situation should be fixed unless v2.3 could be judged
> already reliable.

Andrea and Max:  I have had users requesting a python23 package - that's
why I put it there (in unstable only).  You can easily switch back to
python22 if you want - "fink install python-2.2.2-4".  And for what it's
worth, in my experience python23 is already quite stable (I use it daily).
However, there's no getting around the fact that when you update python
from 2.2 to 2.3, all python modules (e.g. Numeric, PIL, etc) need to be


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
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