On Mar 3, 2004, at 4:51 AM, Daniel Macks wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] committed:
Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/graphics

Added Files:
Log Message:
Added pfaedit from tracker item 902269

--- NEW FILE: pfaedit.info ---
Package: pfaedit
InstallScript: <<
make install prefix=%i
rm %i/lib/%n/libgdraw.la %i/lib/%n/libgdraw.dylib %i/lib/%n/libgunicode.la %i/lib/%n/libgunicode.dylib
Shlibs: <<
%p/lib/%n/libgdraw.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 040301-1)
%p/lib/%n/libgunicode.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 040301-1)

This looks out-of-compliance with the shared library policy. I see from the tracker what's going on, but it seems like this solution aims at contradictory purposes. Shifting .dylib files into lib/%n and not putting them into a -shlibs SplitOff isn't a bad solution for private shared libraries that aren't for public use (have no headers or published interface). But in that case, I don't think there should be a Shlibs field.

But really, the package appears to use libtool (that's why there are
.la) via a GNU configure script, so can't you just pass

--enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no

and get only static libs? That way they aren't needed at run-time and
can be omitted from the fink package.


Ack! This package wasn't ready to be released into the wild! I was waiting for more feedback on the shlibs issue, but I guess I didn't make that clear in the tracker. Besides, the upstream version has been renamed to FontForge, and it seemed pointless to release anything until the new version is readily available. I'd appreciate it if someone could remove this package until I can make an updated info file. I'll also try to eliminate the shlibs altogether.


Daniel Johnson
PGP public key: http://homepage.mac.com/danielj7/publickey.txt

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