On Feb 19, 2005, at 4:54 PM, Trevor Harmon wrote:

Okay, makes sense. Currently the wxmac/wxgtk packages Conflict/Replace each other, but they don't Provide anything. As a test, I modified the wxmac package so that it Provides wxwidgets, rebuilt it, and indeed a wxwidgets "virtual package" showed up in Fink Commander. Interestingly, however, Fink Commander reported the version of this package as, even though the providing package (wxmac) was 2.5.3. Somehow the virtual wxwidgets package inherited the version from wxgtk instead, even though I never touched it and it doesn't Provide anything. Anybody know why?

FinkCommander's handling of provided virtual packages is completely broken. Among other things, it doesn't clear the variable that holds the version when a provided package is processed, which causes it to list the version of the last real package that preceded it. Poor FinkCommander needs a lot of work. :)

Daniel Johnson
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