On Aug 30, 2005, at 10:38 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
   Bzip2Path: the path to your bzip2 (or compatible) binary
The Bzip2Path option lets you override the default path for the bzip2 command-line tool. This allows you to specify an alternate location to your bzip2 executable, pass optional command- line options, or use a drop-in replacement like pbzip2 for decompressing
           .bz2 archives


This seems a little...er...specific. Maybe that's ok I guess, but it feels wrong somehow. If this is an ability that people find themselves wanting, maybe we should generalize it?

We could have a Executables: option that lists name:path pairs, and could eventually let users specify alternatives for anything. Or a exec-prefix dir where users could just drop symlinks to executables they'd prefer Fink would use. Or maybe Fink should even put the Fink paths at the *end* of PATH instead of the beginning, so it uses whatever the user has in his|her path (at the risk of choosing something bad).

Opinions, anyone?


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