On Jan 18, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Koen van der Drift wrote:

On Jan 18, 2006, at 3:28 PM, TheSin wrote:

hmm that is odd if it's the case, can other confirm this?

I only have one Mac and it is building after turning off Growl in the pref pane as I reported earlier. I tried turning Growl on and rebuild mac-growl-pm586 to see if I could reproduce the old error, but it still builds fine.

Regarding you earlier question, that returns:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] $ locate glues/GrowlHelperApp

- Koen.

If someone is still investigating this, I just did a fresh fink bootstrap of the 10.4 tree and had the same mac-growl-pm586 failure. Turning off Growl in the preference pane allowed the build to complete successfully and, as above, once it's been built the first time, further rebuilds also succeed. Note that I don't have a GrowlHelperApp glue in /System, only in /sw.

Daniel Johnson
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