On Feb 26, 2006, at 12:41 PM, Tomoaki Okayama wrote:


I made a finkinfo of ESP Ghostscript which contains powerful CJK
support and cups support. It's now in the experimental tree,

I'd like to commit it to unstable but there is a problem. For
adding files to system's cups, it is necessary to handle system's
directory(out of /sw). Symbolic links must be created at least.

That handlings in PostInstScript and PreRmScript are commented out
now, but would it be possible to uncomment them and commit to unstable?
If it is ok, lots of cups users will be happy.

Tomoaki Okayama / Todai Fink Team

The problem with installing things outside of /sw is that it can surprise the user. For example, I have a later version of ESP GhostScript (8.15.1) that I manually built, along with HPIJS, so I could use some printers that don't have other drivers available. If I installed this package, either directly or as a dependency, my current system would get overwritten and I could lose the ability to print. Furthermore, removing this package would not restore my system to the way it was before. That would not make me happy. :)

At the very least, this needs to backup any existing files and restore them at package removal. A better solution is to include a script with the package which does the actual installation into /usr and handles restoration at removal. This way the user must explicitly choose to do this rather than being surprised by simply installing a package. The package's PreRm should also call this script to ensure that the package will clean up after itself. The postfix package does something like this with its mta-switch script.

Daniel Johnson
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