On Mar 27, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Jordan Mantha wrote:

> devhelp - no change, but failure due to desktop-file-utils, so it should work, unless something else is not good Builds but doesn't run because of a problem with mozilla (and firefox) on Intels. I reported a bug (1459616) https:// sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php? func=detail&aid=1459616&group_id=17203&atid=117203

I commented on the bug, but I'll also do so here:

This is a known problem in all currently released versions of mozilla and firefox. It's supposed to be fixed by the not yet released firefox I doubt that 1.0.7 will ever be fixed. See http:// wiki.mozilla.org/Mac:Intel for more info. See also the firefox 1.5 package submission https://sourceforge.net/tracker/? func=detail&atid=414256&aid=1370163&group_id=17203 (and if someone could test the new firefox on a ppc machine, it would be helpful; I had trouble building yelp against it, but that might just be because it doesn't build right on Intel).

Daniel Johnson
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