Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> I'm finally about to cut over from 10.4 to 10.5.  What will this do
> to my fink install?  Do I need to recompile everything?  Do I need
> to reinstall?  Will it be relatively trivial?  Transparent?
It's relatively straightforward, as long as you're on the 0.8.1 
distribution for 10.4 and have fink >= 0.27.10 (verify that with "fink 

If you're still on 0.8.0 there isn't a direct upgrade path, and you'll 
probably want just to do your OS upgrade and then do a clean Fink 
install for 10.5 (since otherwise you'd have to do a bunch of 
recompiling for 0.8.0 -> 0.8.1 on 10.4 before upgrading to 10.5). 

If you're on 0.8.1, then do a final "fink selfupdate" with rsync or cvs 
updating under OS 10.4 to insure you're on fink-0.27.10, install OS 
10.5, and then do "fink reinstall fink ; fink selfupdate".  After that 
you should be good to update non-base packages, as needed.

Alexander K. Hansen
Fink User Liaison/Documenter
akh AT finkproject DOT org

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