On Jun 24, 2008, at 4:50 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Max Horn wrote:
So, the "missing symlink" is indeed back (i.e. Apple has fixed the bug on
its part), but libtool is translating a -lXrandr to an explicit
/usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib. I have not yet discovered why it does
that, though *sigh*.

Usually libtool takes what it finds in the corresponding *.la file.
That was always the origin of the problem, that libXrandr.la had a last
entry in its library_names line (which is what libtool uses) which did
not correspond to the really existing files or symlinks.

I have the suspicion that someone at Apple's is doing these symlinks in
/usr/X11/lib by hand. Pogma says they are created by Apple's in-house
version of gnu libtool, but they are so weird and useless - except for
causing occasional linker crashes - that I find it hard to believe that
they are created by an automatic and deterministic tool.

I just checked the 10.5.3 combo updater and while it installs new libxrandr.2.1.0.dylib and libxrandr.2.dylib, it does NOT install a new libxrandr.la file. So the .la file still points to libxrandr. 2.0.0.dylib. Now the update SHOULDN'T delete libxrandr.2.0.0.dylib (I still have mine) but apparently Max's went away somewhere. As long as that file is still there, things will (accidentally) work. But that .la file really SHOULD be updated, and it's a bug that it isn't. If you install the X11 package from macosforge, it does update it to use 2.1.0.

The simplest fix is to recreate the libxrandr.2.0.0.dylib symlink to point to libxrandr.2.dylib.

Incidentally, it's a feature that libtool uses /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr. 2.0.0.dylib explicitly, not a bug. Each .la file belongs to a specific library version, so that multiple versions can coexist on the system. Apple just neglected to update the file when they updated the library.


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