On Jan 24, 2009, at 7:33 PM, Trevor Harmon wrote:

> On Jan 24, 2009, at 5:54 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
>> There are a couple of problems here. You have too many packages.  
>> There only needs to be a -dev and a -shlibs package. The  
>> unnecessary ode package only contains 2 files: libode.1.0.0.dylib,  
>> which needs to be in ode-shlibs and libode.la, which needs to go in  
>> ode-dev. It's because libode.1.0.0.dylib isn't in ode-shlibs that  
>> you're getting that validator error, since it's the actual shared  
>> lib: libode.1.dylib is just a symlink to it.
> Okay, I was able to get the packages to validate. However, I had to  
> remove libode.dylib from the shlibs because I was getting a  
> validation error:
>  Error: Files with names less specifically versioned than ones in  
> public Shlibs entries do not belong in this package
>       Offending file: /sw/lib/libode.dylib
> I simply removed libode.dylib from the shlibs split off, but I don't  
> think that's right because now there's only libode.1.0.0.dylib and  
> libode.1.dylib. Shouldn't there be a libode.dylib somewhere as well?
> Also, regarding the unnecessary ode package... How do I address  
> this? I don't know how to remove it without also removing the split  
> offs. Thanks,
> Trevor

libode.dylib needs to go in the dev package, not shlibs. It appears  
that nothing currently depends on ode, yes? If so, I'd suggest  
removing the ode-dev splitoff entirely, leaving all the dev files in  
the main ode package. Make it BuildDependsOnly: true and leave the ode- 
shlibs package as is and everything should work. Generally fink  
packages use the libfoo, libfoo-shlibs nomenclature. You only create a  
libfoo-dev splitoff if the main package contains user binaries.


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