On Jun 22, 2009, at 4:36 AM, Daniel Macks wrote:

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 04:58:56PM -0400, David Fang wrote:
Hi all,
        After sensing a disturbance in the Source (reading my emails),
I've gathered that several people (myself included) find the current
graphviz package a little dependence-heavy. I'm considering writing a Type: -nox variant, which I might need a little guidance with. I'm armed with the packaging manual and some examples (emacs22.info, vim.info). I
need a little advice on which dependencies I can drop for -nox.  For
example, can I remove all of the gnome, gtk, pango, cairo deps?

Many of the upper-level gnome dependencies can probably be removed,
period, even in a fully-gui-enabled package. They appear to be unused
by graphviz itself, and were probably only needed via inheritance from
older versions of some dependency. By setting the current (unstable)
versions of the dependencies, you can eliminate all the packages
related to avahi, bonobo, bonoboui, gnome-vfs, gnome-keyring,
libgnome, libgnomecanvas, libgnomeui, libart2, popt. You can also
simplify the ConfigureParams: don't need any FREETYPE2_*, and don't
need the pango-ft219 or freetype219 components in PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

Unrelated dependency bug: configure autodetects the gts/gts-shlibs and
lasi-dev/lasi-shlibs packages, so need to add dependencies on them or
force them to be ignored. Also detection of ghostscript (iapi.h and
-lgs) and DevIL fail because those libs aren't in fink *right now*,
but for sanity should still disable detection in case they ever do get
into fink.

Actually, libdevil1 is in fink unstable.


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