I intentionally "defeat"ed the Leopard's xinitrc mechanism for
the following reasons:

1. Apple did not defined any rule to number the scripts. Fink's
numbering rule is flexible and providing many chances for admins to
put hooks.

2. Apple did not provided any mechanism to disable each script.

3. Apple's 10-fontdir.sh is incompatible to the xfontpath.

It is possible to put a shim 80sysxinit.sh to honor
/usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d and ~/.xinitc.d. In that case, the
shim will scan the standard xinitrc.d directory and specifically
ignore 10-fontdir.sh and 99-quartz-wm.sh.

At Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:53:20 -0500,
Alexander Hansen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> We've been using the xinitrc package for certain packages that need to
> run items at X11 startup, e.g. xfontpath and dbus (there may be more,
> but I don't happen to have them installed), as it provides an xintrc.d
> directory within the Fink tree and scripting to run scripts within that
> directory.
> However, the current implementation appears to defeat the normal control
> sequence on Leopard or Snow Leopard, which already has that scripting
> built in.  For example, I've noted that I seem not to be able to run
> scripts in my own $HOME/.xinitrc.d at X11 startup if fink's
> xinitrc is installed, but can if it's not.  We also need to be able to
> provide an option for users to customize their X11 startup without
> disrupting e.g. the dbus->X11 interaction.
> It seems to me like what we should be doing for 10.5 and 10.6 is putting
> a script in the "right" place, /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d which
> runs scripts within Fink's xinitrc.d -- this is currently done by the
> xinitrc.sh script, along with some other tasks.  Just having the
> Fink-specific items from that script ought to suffice.
> We'd probably just want to leave it as-is on 10.4.
> - -- 
> Alexander Hansen
> Fink User Liaison
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
> pEQAnAo/Aqu2Elpjg3ne/35CCA5s3/Tj
> =Di7P

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