On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 15:11:32 -0700, Alexander Hansen  wrote:
>> > On Oct 24, 2016, at 02:29, Michael Endler  wrote:
>> > 
>> > Feedback: not good
>> > 
>> > After installing XQuartz 2.7.10, I get the following error 
message when 
>> > trying to start nedit:
>> > 
>> > Error: Shell widget nedit has zero width and/or height
>> > 
>> > Suggestions how to avoid this problem are welcome!
>> > 
>> > --
>> > Package manager version: 0.38.8
>> > Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Mon Oct 24 11:04:56 2016, 
>> > x86_64
>> > Mac OS X version: 10.8.5
>> > Unable to determine Developer Tools version
>> > gcc version: 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn)
>> > make version: 3.81
>> > Feedback Courtesy of FinkCommander
>> > 
>> > -- 
>> > ------------------------------------
>> > Michael Endler
>> > Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
>> > Teilinstitut Greifswald
>> > Wendelsteinstraße 1
>> > D-17491 Greifswald
>> > Germany
>> > Tel.:  +49-3834-88-2340
>> > FAX:   +49-3834-88-2809
>> > email: end...@ipp.mpg.de
>> > IPP web page: www.ipp.mpg.de
>> > ——————————————————
>> > 
>> The solution to avoid the problem is not to update Xquartz, 
unfortunately.  Xquartz 2.7.10 breaks backwards compatibility for Motif-based 
applications.  We’re working on our solution.
OS X 10.8 has not been supported for a while. We just solved this xquartz mess 
on the supported platforms (10.9+) and I suspect it will not be easy to 
backport "just one package fix" because any way we would fix it 
entails adjusting a few dozen packages in concert:(danTry nedit_1:5.6a-2

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