On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 06:27 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

> make: *** [lib/libwx_gtk-2.3.dylib.1.0.0] Error 1
> ### (cd failed, exit code 2
> Failed: installing wxgtk-2.3.2-3 failed
> I have checked and confirmed that there is in fact no such directory as 
> lib/libwx_gtk-2.3.dylib.1.0.0 anywhere in my OS X directory structure, 
> which would explain why an attempt to cd to it doesn't work.
> BTW, after I copied the two files Bill Baumgarner sent me into the 
> appropriate directories, it was his impression that I should be able to 
> fink install without it going through a download/build cycle. It did not.
> I would give up but now I'm ticked. If one person can get this working,I 
> should be able to as well.
> So I'm sending another SOS here.
I did not have any problems with that particular library, but I could not 
build wxpython-wxgtk in the first place with the current glib, because 
glib-1.2 installs glib.h in /sw/include/glib-1.2, while the patch to 
wxpython-wxgtk puts /sw/lib/glib/include into the include-dirs. This 
caused the compile to fail at a very early stage. Adding the new path to 
the patch made it work.
Maybe this has nothing to do with your troubles, but I'd suggest checking 
for the output where the actual compilation of the missing .o files in 
your build failed.


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