On Thursday, November 28, 2002, at 09:43 AM, Alexander Meier wrote:

Put this into .Xmodmap:

keycode  63 = Mode_switch
keycode  66 = Alt_L
clear mod2
clear mod3
add mod2 = Alt_L
can you tell me where I can find information about what keys (like Alt_L or Mode_switch) I can define?
I'm trying to find out how I can use a S-F5 combination! Therefore I have to define the super key somehow in .Xmodmap....

Yuk, Super key, I hope you have a Space Cadet Keyboard ;-)
You can get info on the modifier keys with 'xmodmap -pm', I'd guess mod4 or mod5 probably works as 'Super'. To find the keycode of any key you want to define (makes me wonder what the code of the 'Any' key is, but I think my jokes are getting stale...),
use the xev command. Just map that one to Super_L or Super_R and add that as mod4/mod5, whatever works.


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