I have recently installed Fink and Fink Commander under MacOSX 10.3.2 (Xcode 1.1; Apple X11) and used it to install GIMP (awesome) and gperiodic.

However, now whenever I try to install ANY fink package - and I have tried several - I get an error message of this type (the example is from an attempted update to fink itself).

### execution of gzip failed, exit code 139
Unpacking the file fink-0.17.1.tar.gz of package fink-0.17.1-1 failed. The
most likely cause for this is a corrupted or incomplete download. Do you want
to delete the tarball and download it again? [Y/n]
Failed: unpacking file fink-0.17.1.tar.gz of package fink-0.17.1-1 failed

If I respond Y the same failure repeats

With some files there is mention of a segmentation error.

When I went to the terminal and ran the same command I got the following error

~% gzip -dc /sw/src/fink-0.17.1.tar.gz | /sw/bin/tar -xvf-
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I am not sure what happened to cause this problem. I haven't been able to find anything relevant (or that I can identify as relevant) and I would appreciate help.

Regards, Stephen

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