A recent thread discussed how to uninstall Apple's x11 to install
fink's xfree86 instead.  I'm having the opposite problem -- I'm happy
running Apple's x11, but fink wants to install it's own x11 instead.

The problem started about a week ago when I upgraded to a new version
of fink.  (I'm now running version 0.21.3-1.)  Now when I try to run
"apt-get dist-upgrade", it says that several x programs (aterm,
emacs21, tetex-base, etc.) have unmet dependencies against x11.  It
suggests I run "apt-get -f install".  When I do that, it tries to
install fink's own xfree86 packages.

It looks like that new version of fink didn't install cleanly.  When I
run "dpkg -l", the line for fink begins "iF".  The header line says
the F means "Failed-config".  If I were on debian I'd try running
"dpkg-reconfigure, but I can't find that in fink.

Right now I'm stuff with regards to fink.  It won't let me "apt-get
install" any new packages until I resolve this dependency problem.

So I guess I have two questions:

1) How can I find out what the config error was, and if necessary
   rerun it for fink?

2) How do I tell fink that I want to use X11.app to satisfy the x11



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