On Dec 7, 2004, at 10:30 PM, Andrea Riciputi wrote:

I'm trying to fix this, and I've suggested to the Fink core developer to fall back (in the meanwhile) to the old PyX package (version 0.6.3) that worked very well (anyone listening?). I've also written an email to PyX developers to ask to fix this (but not only this) problem. They told me that a new bug-fix version will be released in a week or two.

Thanks for looking into this, I've just run into the problem again after postponing the update for some time.
I'd suggest at least as a short-term solution you could create a tipa package and make it a BuildDepend of pyx.
I've put the attached .info file into my local tree, and was able to update pyx-py23 smoothly afterwards
(the tipa src download failed at the first attempt though, only then did fink switch to a CTAN mirror).


Attachment: tipa.info
Description: Binary data

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