I have tried your "fink rebuild atlas atlas-shlibs" (with no error)  
and then tried again to install octave-atlas, but got the same error  
as before...

But after suppressing "make check" in  the /sw/fink/10.4/unstable/main/ 
finkinfo/sci/octave.info file, the installation of octave-atlas worked  
Thank you !


> I believe this problem has been fixed in Octave's current developer
> sources, which I'm currently running.
> The problem is related to a change in how gfortran returns values of
> complex functions.
> If you edit octave.info and remove the line "make check", it should  
> build
> and install. If my inference is correct, the following should  
> reproduce the
> crash
>> N = 97;
>> mldivide (2*eye(N) + circshift (eye (N), 1), ones (N, 1));
> For N < 97 it should work (if you build without "make check", please
> confirm).
> I'm surprised this error is resulting with the atlas version. When  
> did you
> build altas?
> Perhaps you might try "fink rebuild atlas atlas-shlibs" before  
> building
> octave-atlas. That way you can be sure that blas/lapack/octave are
> each compiled in a consistent manner.
> Ben

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