drjl...@netonecom.net wrote:
> I can't understand from notes by Martin et al -- is there some kind of
> workaround for this while the problem's being fixed? -- Jonathan

My workaround is the following, based on the patch indicated by Ian Allison:

Edit the file


by adding a line to the PatchScript (at the end of the PatchScript 
block, before the line with "<<", in my case this gives line 67)

  perl -pi -e 's|(g_content_type_guess \()NULL|$1filename|' 

Note that this is one line, with a blank between the second ' and 

For good measure, edit also line 3 and change the Revision from 2 to 2.0.

Then "fink update gtk+2-shlibs". After that, building libx264-57-shlibs 
should succeed.


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