vibnwis wrote:
> Having googled for that, I found and experimented myself that to allow
kde4 apps to work I have to run the /sw/bin/ which the fink
environment if I am not wrong. Having opened the X11 term which has the
/sw/bin/init in the .xinitrc, I can run mostly all kde4 apps. In other
words, I can't run all the kde4 apps until I run X11 term which runs
It doesn't have to be an xterm.  If your fink environment is set up
properly, then it should be run automatically when you open the regular
OS X terminal, too.  If you run "printenv PATH" when you open a window
from the OS X terminal, are /sw/bin and /sw/sbin present?

> I have tried various methods by putting /sw/bin/ into the login
startup menu. None of those effort product positive results. Does anyone
know how to run /sw/bin/init at login.

Items that are run at login are processed as a different way; they
should work automatically.

> The only useful apps for me for the moment is Wireshark. However, that
doesn't run as I have to run from shell.

As expected:  It's an X11 app, and OS X treats it as such.

> Welcome any comments.
> --- On *Mon, 8/31/09, Alexander Hansen /<>/*
>     From: Alexander Hansen <>
>     Subject: Re: [Fink-users] and kde4 apps fail to run
>     To: "vibnwis" <>
>     Cc:
>     Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 10:43 AM
> vibnwis wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > Having installed kde4 through fink, I move on to run the kde apps.
> > However, I couldn't get any of kde4 apps running. The icons appear
> > blinking in the Dock and disappear after a while. Here are the commands
> > I use:
> >        1. launchctl load
> > /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist
> >        2. sudo chown -R $USER ~/Library/Preferences/KDE
> >        3. open /sw/opt/kde4/mac/bin/
> > But if I use command, startkde & which is to start kde 3.5. I could run
> > kde4 apps without any problems even I have quited kde 3.5.
> > I want to get rid of kde 3.5 and run kde4 apps directly from Finder.
> > Would someone please help?
> > thanks
> > vibnwis
> (We don't remember what OS version you're running)
> KDE-mac doesn't use startkde.  That's for kde3.5, as you just noticed.
> And running kdeinit4 directly probably doesn't do what you want, since
> we don't have a full desktop in the -mac variant.
> I'm able to run KDE4 apps directly from the Finder, though I haven't
> tried all of them.  Do you have specific apps that don't work?

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