On 17 Aug 2010, at 19:18, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> /bin/mv
> /sw/src/fink.build/root-kdeedu4-x11-4.4.1-2/sw/opt/kde4/x11/share/ 
> config.kcfg/rserver*
> /sw/src/fink.build/root-cantor4-x11-4.4.1-2/sw/opt/kde4/x11/share/ 
> config.kcfg/
> mv: rename
> /sw/src/fink.build/root-kdeedu4-x11-4.4.1-2/sw/opt/kde4/x11/share/ 
> config.kcfg/rserver*
> to
> /sw/src/fink.build/root-cantor4-x11-4.4.1-2/sw/opt/kde4/x11/share/ 
> config.kcfg/rserver*:
> No such file or directory

the only thing I see besides openbabel in the configuration summary  
(end of configure)
that doesn't seem forced by the deps is boost...
And the comment next to it suggests that is not relevant here:

-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these  
    * Boost.Python - Kig can optionally use Boost.Python for Python  
    * libcfitsio0 - A library for reading and writing data files in  
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format
    * XPlanet - Renders an image of all the major planets and most  
    * LibXSLT - A library to transform XMLfiles into other XML files
    * LibXML2 - Libraries used to develop XML applications
    * libattica - A library to access Open Collaboration Service  
    * GNU Readline - A library for editing typed command lines
    * OpenGL - API for developing portable, interactive 2D and 3D  
graphics applications
    * R - A free software environment for statistical computing and  
    * Eigen2 - A generic C++ template library for dense and sparse  
    * OCaml - OCaml is needed by Kalzium for the Equation Solver
    * OpenGL - OpenGL is needed by Kalzium for the 3D-molecule viewer
    * OpenBabel2 - OpenBabel is needed by Kalzium for the 3D-molecule  
    * GSL - The GNU Scientific Library, a numerical library for C and C 

[ in configure :

-- Looking for C++ include boost/shared_ptr.hpp
-- Looking for C++ include boost/shared_ptr.hpp - found
-- Performing Test boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/ 
-- Performing Test boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/ 
python2.5_boost_python-gcc-mt_compile - Failed
-- Performing Test boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/ 
-- Performing Test boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/ 
python2.5_boost_python-mt_compile - Success
-- Found Boost+Python: -lpython2.5 -L/usr/lib -lboost_python-mt

while there appears to be no libboost in /usr/lib ...
it did certainly find the one in %p/lib, from boost1.41.cmake _and  
messages probably got confused by the CPATH setting (sorry Dan !  
though I'm happy to have a well-built kig...).
otool confirms that %p/opt/kde4/x11/lib/kde4/kigpart.so is linked to  
this lib.

Another little thing I notice in the configure output is:
-- Found Readline: /sw32/lib/libncurses.dylib
which is from libncurses5, not readline _ despite the fact that  
readline5 was installed,
as a bdep, and that libncurses5 is not a bdep.
On the other hand readline5-shlibs does appear among the otool_deps of  
the family,
and libncurses5-shlibs does not...

But all this seems irrelevant for cantor ..

Have no build-dir left, am afraid you'd have to look at your log
(maybe first the configure part..)


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