Hi Max,

> thanks for the report, I think I spotted and fixed the cause of this issue.
> But let me point out one thing, lest people get confused about it: There is 
> absolutely no difference between "fink install FOO" and "fink update FOO". 
> The "update" command is simply an alias for "install", and is 100% identical 
> in its functionality. So this was not the cause of the problem you were 
> seeing.

thanks for the clarification; that's more or less what I assumed as well and 
was using "update" for the benefit of doubt. Now I am rather confused as to 
happened, possibly it was actually fixed by a rebuild of the package. I thought 
I had first tried unsuccessfully again the "fink update" after the rebuild, but 
apparently I did not... I was wondering as well whether package being present 
in several fink installations simultaneously could cause problems (in addition 
/sw I have installations both in /sw32 and /sw64 for testing). Each instance 
just to happily add and remove entries to NetInfo on its own...

BTW, has finkproject.org been hijacked or something? I was just trying to look 
up at 
what step of the package install PostInst is actually executed, but I am 
redirected from any URL under finkproject.org to some advertising sites!


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