Alexander Hansen wrote:
> On 4/12/12 10:36 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> On 4/12/12 10:04 AM, Robert Wyatt wrote:
>>> My ISO (information security office) is requiring me (it says
>>> "recommends" below--but that's not what they really mean) to update my
>>> Samba installation on a MacOS 10.5 machine that I have.
>>> Currently fink offers Samba3 at version: 3.6.0.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Steps for Remediation
>>> ------------------------------
>>> The ISO highly recommends that you update Samba. Versions 3.6.4, 
>>> 3.5.14, and
>>> 3.4.16 have been released to address this defect, and are available at
>>> In addition, due to the 
>>> severity and
>>> extreme risk posed by this flaw, Samba has also made patches 
>>> available for all
>>> versions currently out of support and maintenance from 3.0.37 
>>> onwards at
>>> If you are using RedHat, RedHat has 
>>> released
>>> Samba version 3.5.10-115 to address this vulnerability.
>>> My question: Has anyone tried a newer build yet on any of the active
>>> trees? This machine is a PPC; I need to either update it or disable 
>>> Samba.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert
>> ( Correcting Daniel J.'s address. :-) )
>> In case nobody else has tried that, it may be worth doing a local 
>> update of samba3 on your machine to build 3.6.4.  It may just be a 
>> simple matter of changing the version and Source-MD5 (though I 
>> wouldn't count on it).
> Maybe I'm too negative. :-)  I tried changing the version of samba3 to 
> 3.6.4 and updating the Source-MD5 and the build appears to be successful.
> One thing to note is that our samba3 is set up _not_ to run its smbd 
> automatically:
> DescUsage: <<
>     No attempt to start the smbd server automatically has been made as it
>     could interfere with OS X's own smbd server. This might be 
> implemented
>     later but for now is left as an exercise for the user.
> <<

Got it, thanks Alexander! Considering the vulnerability, I'll need to 
switch to fink's Samba or the ISO will be on my LAN administrator whose 
job it is to enforce compliance.. I guess I'll need to think about how 
to do that unless someone happens to know a tidy method offhand...?

At any rate, I'll try the build next.


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