Hello again,

Aha! Now it's clear. In /sw/etc/fink.conf I have this line:

UseBinaryDist: false

I will use 'fink configure' to change it.



On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Alexander Hansen
<alexanderk.han...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On May 6, 2015, at 09:56, Javier Arantegui <javier.arante...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I *knew* that there had to be an important point I missed...
>> But, I have to say that in my system (as for I know) I only get
>> binaries only if I put the -b. Maybe there is something wrong in my
>> setup.
>> I have check fink's man page and it says:
>> "--no-use-binary-dist
>>           Don't use pre-compiled binary packages from the binary distribu-
>>           tion, opposite of the --use-binary-dist flag. This is the default
>>           unless overridden by a setting in fink.conf configuration file."
>> It seems that the --no-b option is the default. I am confused now.
>> Javier
> Yeah, it’s a little convoluted.  :-)
> For configurations where a binary distribution is available (distribution has 
> one, and user is using /sw), we set UseBinaryDist: true in fink.conf as part 
> of the default setup.  So the manpage is correct in general, but most people 
> have the override set.
> You might just need to use “fink configure” on your system and elect to use 
> the binary distribution by default when that item comes up.
> --
> Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
> Fink User Liaison

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