> On May 29, 2015, at 18:52, Sean Lake <odysseus9...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On May 29, 2015, at 14:51, Kevin Horton <khorto...@rogers.com> wrote:
>> On May 29, 2015, at 07:42 , Kevin Horton <khorto...@rogers.com> wrote:
>>> On May 29, 2015, at 24:40 , Sean Lake <odysseus9...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I'm trying to install gnuplot and the build of Aquaterm is stalling. Fink 
>>>> isn't reporting a failure. Hitting enter does nothing, so it isn't just 
>>>> waiting for input. So, I'm not 100% sure the build has failed, but the 
>>>> build isn't using the CPU or any other system resources I can find.
>>>> Here's the error text:
>>>> Create product structure
>>>> /bin/mkdir -p 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents
>>>> /bin/mkdir -p 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/MacOS
>>>> /bin/mkdir -p 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/Resources
>>>> ProcessInfoPlistFile 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/Info.plist
>>>>  AquaTerm.app-Info.plist
>>>>  cd /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm
>>>>  builtin-infoPlistUtility 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm/AquaTerm.app-Info.plist
>>>>  -genpkginfo 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/PkgInfo
>>>>  -expandbuildsettings -platform macosx -o 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/Info.plist
>>>> SymLink build/Default/AquaTerm.app 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app
>>>>  cd /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm
>>>>  /bin/ln -sfh 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm/build/Default/AquaTerm.app
>>>> CpResource English.lproj/Credits.rtf 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Credits.rtf
>>>>  cd /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm
>>>>  builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git 
>>>> -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm/English.lproj/Credits.rtf
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
>>>> StripNIB English.lproj/ColorInspector.nib
>>>>  cd /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm
>>>>  export 
>>>> XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/..
>>>>  /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool --strip 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-aquaterm-1.1.1-4/sw/Applications/AquaTerm.app/Contents/Resources/ColorInspector.nib
>>>>  --output-format human-readable-text 
>>>> /sw/src/fink.build/aquaterm-1.1.1-4/AquaTerm-AquaTerm-5c223a5/aquaterm/English.lproj/ColorInspector.nib
>>>> 2015-05-28 22:09:23.746 ibtoold[73574:21526175] Failed to obtain sandbox 
>>>> extension for path=/var/empty/Library/Caches/com.apple.ibtool. Errno:2
>>>> fink --version
>>>> Package manager version: 0.38.5
>>>> Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Thu May 28 13:10:04 2015, 10.10, 
>>>> x86_64
>>>> Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto
>>>> Xcode version: 6.3.2
>>> I’m on the road this week, but may have a break this afternoon when I can 
>>> try building AquaTerm.  I haven’t built it for quite a while, so it is very 
>>> possible that it is not compatible with the current Xcode.
>> I rebuilt AquaTerm, on OS X 10.10.4 (i.e. a prerelease OS X version), using 
>> XCode 6.3.2.  The first build showed the same sandbox errors, but they did 
>> not stall the build, the build completed successfully, and AquaTerm appears 
>> to work correctly.
>> Subsequent build attempts did not have the sandbox errors.
>> I'm stumped.  I have no idea what the sandbox errors mean, why they do not 
>> occur every time and why your build attempts stall.
>> —
>> Kevin Horton
> Indeed strange. I built aquaterm on another machine - same OS, same xCode, 
> same processor family. So I am thoroughly confused, too. I'll try to poke 
> around, and see if anything simple fixes it.
> Sean

So, I tried redownloading the AquaTerm source code, repairing disk permissions, 
verifying the disk, and even accepting the xcodebuild license again. CPU disk 
and RAM are all quiet, according to XResourceGraph. The build just stops, with 
no indication that something is wrong or missing. 

Finally, I tried the classic IT solution: I tried turning it off then on again. 
That seems to have done the trick. At a guess, something crashed or froze at 
the system level, and this was just exposing the problem.


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