On 5/30/16 10:32 AM, Bill Waggoner wrote:
> I'm trying to build OpenCV 3.0 and it wants libavformat.h from either
> ffmpeg or libav. I have ffmpeg installed but there doesn't seem to be a
> -dev version and I tried installing libavformat56 and libavformat57 -dev
> version but neither one installs any libavformat.h. Which was a little
> unexpected.
> I see that there are several libav libraries in the fink packages. Is there
> a way, without installing them all, which one if any will provide the
> libavformat components?

There's no 'libavformat.h'. The ffmpeg header is 'avformat.h', which is 
provided by any of the libavformat*-dev packages.

Also, I have OpenCV 3.1 in my experimental if you want to test it.


The PDB helps you search which package provides which installed file:

Locally, you can use 'dpkg-dec -c <pkg_ver-rev.deb>' to list the 
contents of a deb archive (even if not installed).


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