> On Jun 11, 2016, at 03:36, Sean Lake <odysseus9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried using dpkg to remove wxmaxima-mac, and this is what it said:
> sudo dpkg --purge wxmaxima-mac
> /sw/bin/dpkg: error processing wxmaxima-mac (--purge):
> Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
> reinstall it before attempting a removal.
> Errors were encountered while processing:
> wxmaxima-mac
> So, I give up. I'm going to erase the Fink install and start from scratch, 
> making sure to remove that directory in /Applications/
> Could you add a configuration option to keep fink confined to its install 
> dir? I like the convenience of being able to uninstall by erasing /sw/. If 
> that's not possible, then some sort of "uninstall all of fink" command that 
> handles all of the package removal scripts automatically would be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Sean Lake

No, we probably won’t be doing a configuration option like that.  
/Applications/Fink contains just a bunch of symlinks to the real app bundle 
folders in /sw/Applications, to make it easier for users to run those.  At 
best, having a dangling symlink in /Applications/Fink will prevent a package 
from being installed because the post install scripts won’t overwrite such a 

Your errors were with _real_ files in /sw:  "rm: 
/sw/Applications/wxMaxima.app/Contents/PkgInfo: No such file or directory"
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 1

I’m not sure what caused that, since the current pre-removal script for 
wxmaxima* looks like:

$ cat /sw/var/lib/dpkg/info/wxmaxima-mac.prerm
# prerm script for package wxmaxima-mac, auto-created by fink

set -e

# generated from InfoDocs directive
if [ -f /sw/share/info/dir ]; then
        /sw/sbin/install-info --infodir=/sw/share/info --remove wxmaxima.info

exit 0

I.e., no mention of /sw/Applications/wxMaxima.app/Contents/PkgInfo.  I’d have 
been curious to see what the contents of yours was, but I guess it’s too late 
now.  Removing the “set -e” declaration in one of these scripts can be a way 
around stuck installs/removes, because the script won’t throw an error when a 
command fails.

A “remove all of Fink” script would be “sudo rm -rf /sw /Applications/Fink”. 

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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