{#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
{#}  To reply to the author, write to Eric Peyton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Friday, January 18, 2002, at 08:07  AM, Kelly Sedik wrote:

> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> {#}  To reply to the author, write to Kelly Sedik 
> As much as I might like to buy a Mac I can't right now. Plus, as both 
> Linux
> and OS X are derived from Unix I think there may be a way to get it to 
> work.

You are dreaming.

Porting things from Linux to OS X is relatively easy (especially if you 
are using stock posix code with a standard X11 interface).

Going the other way is damned near impossible, evn if you use GNUStep, 
which Fire won't compile under anyway.

Sorry man - but you'll probably never get Fire on Linux.  Use 
everybuddy - they have a big developer movement behind them and all (or 
odigo - but they are a commercial entity).


> Kel
> On Thursday 17 January 2002 21:25, you wrote:
>> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> {#}  To reply to the author, write to Jason Townsend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> On 1/17/02 7:51 PM, "Kelly Sedik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am newbie to Linux and I would like to run fire on it. I have
>>> downloaded the source code, but what do I do now? I just moved and the
>>> book that probably have this answer is still packed (somewhere?). Any
>>> help would be appreciated.
>> Buy a Mac. :) Fire is written for Mac OS X, not Linux.
>> -Jason
>> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---
> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

{#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

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